Monday, September 19, 2011
Balloon Planets
We've begun our Astronomy lessons using the Apologia text and Notebooking Journal and last week we made the planets out of balloons and hung them from our ceiling. This suggested activity was done after we read the first chapter in the book. I think my children had more fun blowing up the balloons and releasing them to watch them fly all over the room during the lesson, however! But, we now know the relative size of each planet compared to other planets and the order of the planets from the sun.
Here are the balloon planets lined up in order from the sun.The sun is the big white balloon in the left corner then there is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. We will read in Lesson 12 about the controversy over whether or not Pluto is really a planet.
My children labeled each planet and this is the "sun" though it's hard to read the word because of the glare. We read today that 1 million earths would fit inside the sun. I knew the sun was big, but I had no idea that it was that big! And did you know that Earth is 92,935,700 miles away from the sun? Another fact that we learned today was that the sun is usually about 10,000 degrees on the outside and millions of degrees on the inside! My kids and I found this information fascinating! It is fun learning all these interesting facts with my children during our homeschool days!
Some of the balloon planets look deflated and very small, but it was very difficult to blow up a balloon and make it 1 inch around like the planet Mercury! But, at least we have a visual reminder of the relative size of each planet compared to the others. My children and I are gaining a deeper appreciation for just how perfect God made the solar system. It is truly amazing how the universe was made and we look forward to learning more about our Creator and his wonders as we continue our Astronomy lessons!
My children labeled each planet and this is the "sun" though it's hard to read the word because of the glare. We read today that 1 million earths would fit inside the sun. I knew the sun was big, but I had no idea that it was that big! And did you know that Earth is 92,935,700 miles away from the sun? Another fact that we learned today was that the sun is usually about 10,000 degrees on the outside and millions of degrees on the inside! My kids and I found this information fascinating! It is fun learning all these interesting facts with my children during our homeschool days!
Some of the balloon planets look deflated and very small, but it was very difficult to blow up a balloon and make it 1 inch around like the planet Mercury! But, at least we have a visual reminder of the relative size of each planet compared to the others. My children and I are gaining a deeper appreciation for just how perfect God made the solar system. It is truly amazing how the universe was made and we look forward to learning more about our Creator and his wonders as we continue our Astronomy lessons!
Psalm 148
Praise the Lord from the heavens; give praise in the heights.
Praise him, all you angels; give praise, all you hosts.
Praise him, sun and moon; give praise all shining stars.
Praise him, highest heavens, you waters above the heavens.
Let them all praise the Lord's name; for the Lord commanded and they were created,
Assigned them duties forever, gave them tasks that will never change.
You lightning and hail, snow and clouds, storm winds that fulfill his command;
You mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars;
You animals wild and tame, you creatures that crawl and fly;
You kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all who govern the earth;
Young men and women too, old and young alike.
Let them all praise the Lord's name, for his name alone is exalted, majestic above earth and heaven.
The Lord has lifted high the horn of his people, to the glory of all the faithful, of Israel, the people near to their God.
Labels:Apologia,No Ordinary Blog Hop
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Oh, how I wish I could have had you for my teacher!!!
My daughter is working on the same thing and absolutely loves it. She is very hands on and we really enjoy doing the projects that they suggest. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Kaitlyn really enjoyed seeing how someone else did this project.
I LOVE this! (And I LOVE Apologia!) Stopping by, and now following, from NOBH. Blessings!
What a great idea. It sounds like your kids had fun. My son loves balloons, especially blowing them up and letting go to see them fly all over the room. Thank you for sharing your project with the kids.
Very cool, Tracy! The balloons are a great idea. +JMJ+
I love the Apologia books. This was a favorite project for us. We are about to do this book again, this time with my youngest. So excited!!