Saturday, July 12, 2014
17 Years Ago We Said "I Do" and 17 Wedding Mementos in our Home
17 years ago today we made a covenant and said "I do!".
Together, hand in hand, we have shared so much since first meeting on the beach in 1992.
Today we celebrate our marriage of 17 years.
This wonderful journey has been filled with many memories, blessings, trials, and joyful tears.
With 5 blessings, I continue to love growing old with you!
Everyday with you is a gift and so much fun too!
Happy Anniversary to us!
I love you!
I love you!
This photo of the church's ceiling is one of our favorites.
The photographer captured this beautiful shot during our
wedding ceremony.
On our way to the reception after our ceremony
A close-up photo of the candy shells on our cake. Thank you Nancy for your beautiful cake art!
On top of our cake was this cross uniting 2 wedding bands placed in the
candy coral. This cross is now hanging in our home as a constant
reminder of Who keeps our marriage and love strong.
Two are better than one: they get a
good wage for their labor. If the one falls, the other will lift up
his companion. Woe to the solitary man! For if he should fall, he has
no one to lift him up. So also, if two sleep together, they keep each
other warm. How can one alone keep warm? Where a lone man may be
overcome, two together can resist. A three-ply cord is not easily
broken. Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12
In our home we have wedding momentos hanging or displayed in various locations. I always enjoy looking at them as a constant reminder of our marriage promises and gifts. To celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary I thought I would share 17 wedding momentos that are dear to us that decorate our home.
Warning: long post with even more pictures. I feel like I'm back 17 years ago as I make this post so scroll down fast if you don't have time to read everything and walk down memory lane with me. Plus, 17 years ago I wasn't blogging, but if I was, you can be sure I would have our wedding posted in more detail and pictures :)
Memento 1: This is a pre-wedding picture that I thought I would throw in here. This was taken on the beach in July 1995, two years before our wedding.
Memento 2: We have this poem hanging near our kitchen/dining room and it was written by my mother-in-law one night in the middle of the night when it just popped into her head, as she explained it. She surprised us with this framed poem and read it to us at our rehearsal dinner. She scanned my husband's and my foot prints from our birth certificates and placed them onto the poem. Anthony's prints are in the top left corner, while mine are on the bottom right. We will treasure this gift always and it's one of my favorite wedding gifts!
Memento 1: This is a pre-wedding picture that I thought I would throw in here. This was taken on the beach in July 1995, two years before our wedding.
Memento 2: We have this poem hanging near our kitchen/dining room and it was written by my mother-in-law one night in the middle of the night when it just popped into her head, as she explained it. She surprised us with this framed poem and read it to us at our rehearsal dinner. She scanned my husband's and my foot prints from our birth certificates and placed them onto the poem. Anthony's prints are in the top left corner, while mine are on the bottom right. We will treasure this gift always and it's one of my favorite wedding gifts!
It reads: God Knew...
God knew what He was doing when He made these little feet.
He knew it would be our destiny that someday we would meet.
He knew that we would fall in love and eventually wed.
He knew the path we would follow and in His foot steps our feet would tread.
Memento 3: Here is a Marriage Prayer that was a wedding gift from one of our friends (who is now a priest). We have this prayer hanging in our bedroom and I love its simple, yet meaningful words.
It reads: Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the love that grew between us. To see the good within the other, and to solve our problems. Help us to say the kind and loving things and to ask forgiveness of the other. We put our marriage in your hands. Amen. ~N.V. Pearle
Memento 4: This was a gift that we have hanging in our apostolic blessing from then Pope John Paul II who is now Saint John Paul II!
Memento 5: Here's the church ceiling picture, as posted above, framed on our wall. I love this picture!
Memento 6: Going to the reception photo in a glass frame
Memento 7: My wedding portrait taken by my Dad who is a professional photographer, but he hired his photography friend to take our wedding.
Memento 8: Mr. and Mrs. Smith at the altar
Are you still with me? Halfway there until Momento 17... :)
Memento 9 & 10: Our wedding invitation that my parents framed for us. Our invitation has seashells on the border to go with our beach themed wedding. I edited the bottom of it to distort some location details, hence the funny looking print :) Our wedding album sits on our dining room buffet and occasionally I'll see our children flipping through it.
Memento 11 & 12: I love this bride and groom plate painted by our friends from college. On the back of the plate they accidently wrote "Love one anoter" so we all had a good laugh about that. I love the plate for the fact that they took time to make it so cute and unique with it's own "unique" spelling :) The white candle is decorated with our wedding invitation that was glued on by a relative and given to us as a gift. We light it each year on our anniversary.
Memento 13 & 14: Our unique starfish frame that was gifted to us that holds a picture of us cutting our wedding cake at the reception. In the background is a picture of flowers that are popular in St. John Virgin Islands where we went on our honeymoon. The picture on the right side shows the cross that was on top of our wedding cake and also hanging on our wall is a plaque with a beautiful marriage blessing on it.
The marriage blessing is so beautiful I'll share a close up shot so the words can be read:
Memento 15: Here's another unique and special gift that we have hanging in our foyer. It reminds me of Asian artwork. When you look closer, what do you see? The drawing is actually each letter of my first name and my husband's first name. Tracy...Anthony
Memento 16: Our "domestic church" was established in 1997
OK, so if you stuck with this post to this point, I'm impressed and I thank you for taking the time to read it and view the pictures. If anything else, maybe some of my momentos will give someone wedding gift ideas :)
One tradition that we have done each year on our anniversary since our first anniversary is watch our video from our wedding. Now we did get married before the digital age so the color quality is...90ish, but the memories of our day continue to be with us each time we play our video. We did copy it onto a DVD to help make it last longer.
It is a joy to now watch the video with our cupcakes as the younger ones have asked through the years why they weren't there to celebrate with us ;-) Each year we are not only reminded of our holy vows we took in front of our Lord, family, and friends, but we also get to see friends and loved ones that are no longer with us here on earth. You know I still get "butterflies" and filled with excitement just before I watch the part of the video where I'm about to meet my true love at the altar and begin our lives as husband and wife!
Finally I'll sign off this looooooooong wedding anniversary post with one more picture (I really promise, just one more) :)

The reason I post this picture is because recently I came across this
blog post about Why Should Men Propose on One Knee? and I thought I
would share the author's insights about this honorable and well-known
tradition. Of course, my husband isn't proposing here, but you get the
I've been blessed with 17+ years with my husband and I look forward to
the many, many, many, many years ahead as God wills it.
Labels:wedding,wedding anniversary
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Happy Anniversary, Tracy and Anthony! You are blessed to have each other! +JMJ+
Congratulations on your 17 year wedding anniversary, Tracy!
Wishing you abundant blessings on this next year of marriage!
Thank you so very much Annita! I always look forward to celebrating another year of marital bliss with my best friend! :) I hope you are doing well! Thank you for stopping in to read my post and comment!
Hello there!
I am visiting from my dear friend Patty's blog...
So glad I clicked over. : )
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you Angela! :) Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your encouraging comments! :)
Thank you so very much Patty! Thanks for visiting my anniversary post and leaving your sweet comment!
Hi Billie Jo!
Thank you for stopping in my corner of blog land and reading my anniversary post! Thank you for your comment! :)
Hi Tracy and Anthony,
Congratulations on your 17th anniversary. You are both so special and a beautiful example to all for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. We hope to see you and the kids when we visit Jen & David in August (possibly around the time of our 50th Wedding anniversary, that's a long time. What a wonderful year this has been for both of us; First the gift of the trip to Italy in April that our most generous and loving kids presented to us and then spending time with all of them together in Seaside, Fla. last month. What a treat. Love,Ms.Barbara & Mr.Richard
Hi Ms. Barbara and Mr. Richard! So good to hear from you in blog land! Thank you for visiting my post and taking the time to comment! I have so enjoyed hearing about all your wedding anniversary celebrations and trips via Jen! Congratulations! Thank you for being a wonderful example of married life for Anthony and me! We adore you and your family and we hope to see you in August to wish you a congrats on your 50th in person! 50 years is so fabulous! God bless!
Just found your blog from 7QTs, I love this post!
Hi Julie!
Thanks so much for your visit and comment! Glad you enjoyed this post! :) Have a blessed day!