Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day 2012...A Day of Rememberance
Thank you for all the men, women, and families who have sacrificed so much for our freedom! I am thankful for their service to our country. May God grant you a blessed Memorial Day as we remember those that have died while in the military service!
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Saturday, May 26, 2012
Pentecost Sunday 2012
The following graphic and quote was found at Happy Saints.
Wishing everyone a blessed Pentecost Sunday. May the Holy Spirit be with you!
the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place
together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong
driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then
there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest
on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and
began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to
Acts 2: 1 - 4
May you have a blessed weekend!
Labels:Pentecost | 2
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
12th Birthday Cake: Let the Good Times Roll.....
My daughter's birthday celebration began when my mom took her to a private dance lesson at a local studio by our house. Here they are before the class. They had a lot of fun!
My daughter wanted a cookie cake so I decorated this one.
But, I also wanted to decorate a cake too! To go with the skating theme, I made this cake which was the same cake recipe I made for her soccer cake last year.
My good friend, J.H., recently told me how to make the cake look smooth like fondant, but with a lot less work! The secret is a Viva paper towel, since it is plain without a pattern. You just ice the cake as usual and my homemade icing was a little soft so I then put it in the fridge to harden the icing a little. Then I took a sheet of Viva and laid it on top of the cake like this:
Then just rub your hand over the paper towel until smooth.
I even did this for the side of the iced cake so before the "Viva technique" the side of the cake looked like this:
Then I just place a paper towel on the side and rubbed my hand over the towel...
And it became smooth like this:
So the finished cake before I decorated was fondant-like with a lot less work...
Happy Birthday Cupcake #1! We love you!
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Saturday, May 19, 2012
12 Years Ago Today....
Dear Cupcake #1,
Has it really been a year since I wrote THIS post for your 11th birthday where I reminisced about your birth story and posted some of my favorite photos of you?
It seems like yesterday that Dad and I were holding you in our arms when you were 3 weeks old. We were at a family party in the backyard of Nana and Grandpa's "old" house....
It seems like yesterday when you were and will always be Daddy's little girl and Dad will never forget his first Father's Day in 2000 when he held you lovingly in his arms and gave you a sweet kiss in the backyard in our "old, old house"...
It seems
like yesterday that I was 17 weeks pregnant with your brother (although
we didn't know if you were a big sister to a brother or sister at the
time), and I held you on my first Mother's Day 2001 as you modeled your cute outfit with a hat with your adorable
smile that lit up a room...
It seems like yesterday, we were celebrating your first Christmas when you were 7 months old. The outfit you are wearing in the photo below has been worn by all your siblings too to celebrate their first Christmas. Nowadays you are more into what's wrapped in the wrapping paper vs. just laughing at the funny sounds paper can make, like you did as a baby... :)
It seems like yesterday when I borrowed a watermelon print dress from a friend just so I could take pictures of you beside a watermelon and eating a watermelon with me while my belly was getting as big as a watermelon carrying your sibling. (that's alot of repetition there!) I wanted the matching watermelon (there's that word again!) dress too so I could make the adorable page for you in your scrapbook....
It seems like yesterday, but it really has been 12 years that you have blessed our family and bring joy to our lives! You light up our lives...
It WILL seem like yesterday when you graduate high school/college, but I'm grateful this cap is not yours for now and you borrowed it from your cousin at his UNC-Chapel Hill graduation recently!
Happy Birthday to a beautiful young lady inside and out! We love you and wish you a blessed 12th birthday!
Mom and Dad
Labels:happy birthday | 3
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Wednesday Wonder: Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You See?
Last month in April, our family traveled to OH to visit dear friends and we made a trip to the Columbus Zoo. It was a perfect day for the crowds and overcast so not too hot. I snapped alot of pictures and these are some pictures I got of the polar bear. He was fascinating to watch glide through the water and come up to the glass!
Labels:Wordless Wednesday | 1 comments
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day Mom!
This morning, like many Mother's Days in the past, our family got up bright and early to be with my parents at 8:00 AM Mass at their church. This is one way I tell my mom "I love you" since my family usually attends a different Catholic Church across town each Sunday. It's always a blessing to spend time with my Mom and my children always love seeing their grandparents. Today's Mass was even more special because it was said for my Dad's mom, Lena, as we remembered her in prayers and with many memories. My Grandmother passed away many years ago and I was glad to be at church with my Dad to remember his mother in this way.
After Mass my husband took some photos of my Mom and me.
Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you!
One of my favorite quotes:
"The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral-a dwelling place for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body...Even the angels have not been given such a grace! What is more glorious than this - to be a mother." -Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty
After Mass my husband took some photos of my Mom and me.
Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you!
One of my favorite quotes:
"The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame Cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral-a dwelling place for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body...Even the angels have not been given such a grace! What is more glorious than this - to be a mother." -Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty
Labels:Mother's Day | 2
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Our Daughter's First Holy Communion
Here our some photos (OK, alot of photos!) to remember such an exciting and special day in our daughter's faith journey....
My mom handmade the dress which my oldest daughter also wore during her First Communion in 2008.
During the procession at the beginning of Mass, my daughter crowned Mary.
Each First Communicant made a banner to hang on the end of their pew during the Mass.
Our daughter receiving Christ in the Eucharist
Our daughter receiving the Most Precious Blood of Jesus
These beautiful and delicious cupcakes were made from scratch by my friend JH whose daughter received First Communion with my daughter.
This was the gift table which also displayed the First Communion scrapbooks that each First Communicant designed throughout the year as a way to remember their special sacramental year.
Here I am in 1982 when I received my First Holy Communion. My mom hand-made my dress also. On the left is my oldest daughter when she received her First Holy Communion in 2008. Do you think you are seeing double? :) We went to the same church and location to take my daughter's picture. My mom hand-made another dress for my daughters. It is a special gift and labor of love and I look forward to my third daughter wearing this same dress in a few years for her First Communion. Thanks Mom!
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I'm Tracy. I love my faith, family and on most days, homeschooling my 5 blessings. When I'm not busy baking cakes for my family or making memories in real life or dreaming I had a housekeeper or professional chef, I enjoy documenting a slice of Smith life in blog land.
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- 12 Years Ago Today....
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- Our Daughter's First Holy Communion
- Our Daughter's First Communion...How Beautiful!
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