Friday, January 27, 2017
Pro-Life Prints: Lessons 2 (I Am Unique), 3 (Helping Others), 4 (Praying for Others)
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We continued with our Pro-Life Prints activity booklet from Culture of Life Studies Program. Yesterday my two youngest daughters completed Lesson 1: Preborn Babies. Today we were really ambitious and finished Lessons 2, 3, and 4 mostly because of our family's busy Friday and weekend schedule.
Also, I wanted to have my posts published at the same time as the 44th annual March for Life on Friday, January 27, 2017 in Washington, DC. I won't be attending the March for Life this year, unfortunately, but I was blessed to attend in 2011, 2012 and 2015. The marches that I have attended are also linked at the end of this post.
This afternoon my 2 youngest daughters and I got back to work again on their Pro-Life Prints. Besides destroying my favorite laminator while laminating some of their prints that were still wet when I was in a hurry, it was a blessed day! (Uggghhh, I'm going to have to replace my laminator. :( I was thinking about getting this one.)
Lesson 2: I Am Unique: "I praise you, because I am wonderfully made: wonderful are your works! My very self you know." -Psalm 139:14 (Psalm 139 is my favorite Psalm!)
In Lesson 2 we talked about how incredibly special each of us are and how there is no one else like you. How each of us have our own handprints and fingerprints, even identical twins have their own uniqueness! So in this lesson my daughters painted a set of handprints, poppy flowers using their thumbs and bird prints because we discussed that if God takes care of the birds needs, surely he will never forsake us and He will take care of us.
Lesson 3: Helping Others: "Yet Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay and You our Potter: we are all the work of Your hand." -Isaiah 64:7
We talked about ways we can help our family and friends and they made a hand print of an elephant because in the book Horton Hears a Who, Horton understands that "A person's a person no matter how small." One way to help others is to stand up for those who are smaller than us just as Horton guarded the precious flower that had the Whos in Who-ville living in the tiny speck on the flower.
In Lesson 3, my girls used cut celery to paint roses because roses are beautiful and delicate just like preborn babies!
Lesson 4: Praying for Others: "Yet Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay and You our Potter: we are all the work of Your hand." -Isaiah 64:7
Lesson 4 was a reminder that the world is a big place and each person on earth is the work of God's hand. God loves us immeasurably and the hand prints were reminders of how we are to pray for everyone because all of us need prayers.
The thumb is closest to us on our bodies so we can pray for those closest to us: our family.
Then the index finger we can pray for teachers and those who instruct us.
The middle finger is the tallest and we can pray for those in authority which includes the president/vice-president, community leaders and even our Pope, Bishops and priests and religious.
The ring finger is the weakest finger so we can remember to pray for the weakest and most delicate in our society (preborn babies, elderly, those who are sick and disabled).
The pinkie finger reminds us to pray for ourselves last since we need prayers too!
Here are all the pages from Lessons 2, 3, and 4 to complete the Pro-Life Prints book.
After I get a new laminator and laminate the pages, I'll bind them together and each of my daughters will have a great keepsake book as a reminder to protect and pray for the culture of life.
Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I wanted to do this Pro-Life Prints book this week as a way to remember the annual March for Life that is today, Friday, January 27, 2017. Since I won't be attending the March physically I will be there in spirit and prayers.
Here are the posts I wrote of the 3 March for Life marches I was able to attend so far...

I started a Pinterest Pro-Life board called "L.I.F.E. = Life Is For Everyone" awhile ago, where I have been collecting pro-life posts. If you are interested in following the board go HERE and click on articles that interest you!
Have a blessed weekend!
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Pro-Life Prints: Lesson 1: Preborn Babies
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Today my two youngest daughters (ages 9 and 3) began another Culture of Life Studies Program called Pro-Life Prints. If you aren't familiar with Culture of Life Studies Program it's a fabulous, life-affirming resource that "strives to build a culture of life by helping students to understand the value of every human being and by inspiring a new generation of young people who will defend preborn children, respect all human beings from creation to death, and speak the truth with confidence in defense of the innocent." Be sure to read more about the program, their reviews and program's components.
Pro-Life Prints comes as a digital download and includes everything you need (excluding art supplies) to make a beautiful and creative 12-page printable activity booklet.
Contents include:
- 4 lessons on the dignity of every person
- Instructor guide
- Discussion questions
- Complete handprint instructions
- Printable 13-page student book
Recommended for students in kindergarten through 2nd grade.
It was a beautiful day outside, in the mid 60s, so we had some fun painting in our booklet on our back porch enjoying the sunshine.
Lesson 1: Preborn Babies: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you." -Jeremiah 1:5
My daughters used Dot Paint Markers to decorate the cover and Crayola Washable Kids' Paint for the inside pages. The first page in the lesson plan discusses how each baby starts as small as a poppy seed so I placed a seed in each of my girls' hands so they can see how very tiny they began their life inside my womb. The first page they painted preborn baby's feet and the page showed in the upper right corner the tiny size of a 12 week old baby in the womb.
Then it takes babies 8 long months to grow as big as a pineapple.
When the pages were done and dried for Lesson 1, I laminated them with my favorite laminator and when the booklet is complete I'll bind the laminated pages.
Here are my daughters' completed pages for Lesson 1...
It was a fun lesson and we look forward to doing Lesson 2!
Check out the other Culture of Life Program Studies activities that we have done at these links:
Ladybug Lesson, Book and Snacks to Teach the Culture of Life (posted on 1.25.16)
A Defend Life Lesson from Culture of Life Studies Program (posted on 9.29.16)
It was a beautiful day outside, in the mid 60s, so we had some fun painting in our booklet on our back porch enjoying the sunshine.
Lesson 1: Preborn Babies: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you." -Jeremiah 1:5
My daughters used Dot Paint Markers to decorate the cover and Crayola Washable Kids' Paint for the inside pages. The first page in the lesson plan discusses how each baby starts as small as a poppy seed so I placed a seed in each of my girls' hands so they can see how very tiny they began their life inside my womb. The first page they painted preborn baby's feet and the page showed in the upper right corner the tiny size of a 12 week old baby in the womb.
Then preborn babies grow as big as a strawberry when babies can smile, frown and suck their thumb. They have fingernails and can scratch their nose!
Then it takes babies 8 long months to grow as big as a pineapple.
When the pages were done and dried for Lesson 1, I laminated them with my favorite laminator and when the booklet is complete I'll bind the laminated pages.
Here are my daughters' completed pages for Lesson 1...
It was a fun lesson and we look forward to doing Lesson 2!
Check out the other Culture of Life Program Studies activities that we have done at these links:
Ladybug Lesson, Book and Snacks to Teach the Culture of Life (posted on 1.25.16)
A Defend Life Lesson from Culture of Life Studies Program (posted on 9.29.16)
Friday, January 13, 2017
The Feast of the Epiphany and Baptism of our Lord
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I realize the Christmas season is over, but I wanted to do a post on how we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany and the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord this year mainly so that I can remember how we celebrated these feast days and to add this post to my A Slice of Liturgical Life page. Maybe our liturgical celebrations will inspire others as well.
On Sunday, January 8, 2017, the Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany, but the traditional date for the Epiphany is January 6 so we celebrated Epiphany as a family on Jan. 6th. Last year our family hosted our annual homeschool group's Epiphany party and this year another family graciously opened their home to host some of our homeschool families to celebrate the Epiphany on Sunday, January 8th. On Monday, January 9, we celebrated the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord as a family.
On the morning of Friday, January 6, I set out an "Epiphany themed" table that included fun books about the Wise Men finding Jesus: This is the Star, Small Camel Follows the Star, The Last Straw. On the table were also the 3 Kings paper ornaments that we made a few years ago designed by Lacy at Catholic Icing. Part of our Little People Nativity set surrounded the King Cake that I made. And then a "Jesus is our King" crown was on the table that was brought to the homeschool Epiphany party on Sunday.
My family enjoyed the King Cake filled with cinnamon sugar, but they butchered it in order to find the Baby Jesus hidden inside. Hiding a Baby Jesus or a ring in the cake is a tradition and whoever finds it is supposed to have an especially blessed year.
Can you find the Baby Jesus in the photos below? :)
One of our daughters spotted the Baby Jesus first...
On Sunday, January 8 we attended the annual homeschool Epiphany party and an easy craft to do for this feast day is to ask your local Burger King for their paper crowns and then type out "Jesus is our" to cut and paste over the word "Burger" so the crowns read "Jesus is our King". Then the children can decorate the crowns with glitter glue, stickers, jewels, etc.
Some of the kids at the Epiphany party having fun decorating their
At the party we also talked about the traditional Epiphany house blessing and chalking your front door and one child from each family wrote 20 + C + M + B + 17 on a black sheet of paper with blessed chalk so that the families could hang this on their door or remember to write it directly on their doors when they got home.
Our daughter on the left is wearing a crown that she made at our parish's Young Families group after church on Sunday and they made these crowns for the Epiphany.
We came home from the Epiphany party and as a family chalked our front door from the inside vs. the outside since it was cold outside and dark. My husband and each of our children wrote a part of the 20 + C + M + B + 17 on the back of our front door.
Then on Monday, January 9, we celebrated the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. This feast is usually celebrated on the Sunday after January 6th, but since the Church moved Epiphany to Sunday, January 8th this year, that moved the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord to Monday, January 9th. The liturgical calendar can get confusing sometimes!
For this feast day, I made the easy and yummy dessert that I made last year for the first time. I got the idea of the Baptism of the Lord River Jordan Dessert on Catholic Cuisine. I used shell candy molds and toffee candy molds for the shells. My kids devoured it, as well as my husband (or what was left of it after he got home from work :) )
The ingredients I used were: Vanilla ice cream, blueberries, blue food coloring, Wilton English Toffee Candy Melts, Shell candy mold, Reddi Wip and Graham Crackers. After following the directions on the Catholic Cuisine site the dessert turns out like this....
I printed and cut out an image from the computer of John the Baptist baptizing Jesus and placed them in the "Jordan River".
On the table during the day I displayed each of our children's baptismal candle along with a photo from their special day.
Each candle holder has each of our children's first and middle name and baptism date engraved at the the base of the holder. The right photo below has "Leah Therese 8-31-13" engraved in it. My parents bought the candle holders and then had them each engraved at an engraving business as my children were born. Each child lit their baptismal candle and we discussed Jesus' baptism and what our baptisms mean.
My friend's son made this great craft about the Baptism of our Lord that I wanted to share so I can keep it for myself for future reference. My friend said this was a craft suggestion in Seton's book.

It was another blessed Epiphany and Feast of the Baptism of our Lord!
In the spirit of the Wise Men bringing gifts to the Christ Child for the Epiphany, I thought I would share some fun gift ideas that I love and I think you will too!
12 Days of Christmas Chocolate Molds
It's hard to read the title of the book, but it's called The Twelve Days of Christmas.
These are the molds Days 1-6 and Days 7-12
I made a group of 12 for the youth at our parish and put one of each in a
clear plastic treat bags, tied it up and then wrote out the song lyric that
went with the chocolate candy.
I was sent a sample pack of this baby balm and Oh My! This is my new favorite baby balm that is not just for baby's sensitive skin! I have been wearing it on my chapped lips and two of my daughters have had extremely dry skin on their face and legs so we have rubbed CheruBalm on these areas as well and it has been clearing our dry skin overnight! It moisturizes your skin and goes on very smoothly!
The ingredients are all natural and I love that the "Khrisma"-scented one smells just like the chrism oil that babies are blessed with at their baptism! This product is great for anyone, especially those with sensitive skin. These would make perfect baby shower or baptism gifts or stocking stuffers!
Besides loving the all natural ingredients and the 4 different scents: "Flowers from Heaven", "Unscented", "Silent Night", and "Khrisma" I love CheruBalm's Misson: Parenting is not easy, but we know the obstacles we face pale in comparison to those of some other families. This is why we have chosen to tithe a portion of all of CheruBalm's revenues to families in difficult situations. I also like that the owners have 5 children like me! :) Find out more about this amazing product including their ingredients list. Be sure to follow CheruBalm on Facebook!
Greg and Erica, the owners have CheruBalm, have set up a 10% off discount code for my readers on their website! The code you type in at checkout is: SLICE10
The discount code is good until Feb. 3rd. Enjoy!
BritaBabyBoutique {Imagine the Possibilities}
Speaking of babies and baby shower gifts, my next gift recommendation is beautiful and unique and made with lots of tender loving care. If you are looking for a fun baby shower gift or welcome baby gift be sure to check out a dear friend's Etsy shop called BritaBabyBoutique.
I purchased one of Brita's bouquets for a Catholic friend of mine who had a baby girl. The bouquet was gorgeous and full and filled with beautiful artificial flowers, diapers, socks, baby mittens, hair bows and on the bottom Brita put in a cute yellow ducky with baby powder. She also added a blessed rosary. Brita will custom make any bouquet with any colors you choose. She is a joy to work with and she ships anywhere in the United States!
Be sure to view her inventory at her Etsy shop at BritaBabyBoutique or visit her Facebook page. If you have any questions or would like a bouquet that you don't see in her shop, she would be more than happy to chat with you! {By the way, my friend LOVED her beautiful, unique bouquet and I loved it so much I wanted to keep it forever! :) )
My Catholic Magnets
Anytime I come across a great fun way to help children learn more about the Saints I'm all in and ready to purchase! Are you looking for a fun way to teach about the Saints to your children? My kids found these great magnets in their stockings this year!
Right now you can try My Catholic Magnets Saint Subscription from where you get a new Saint Magnet each month plus a holy card/story for 3 months for only $5!
This is a great resource for teaching our little ones about the saints and keeping the saints always visible in the house :) Be sure to visit My Catholic Magnets website or visit them on Facebook at My Catholic Kids! They have a wide selection of Saint magnets to choose from and I just love the artwork! The same family that created My Catholic Magnets also wrote the Bible Stories for Advent that I reviewed on my blog.
I hope your new year has been blessed so far!
Thanks always for stopping by!
This post is linked to New Evangelists Monthly-February 2017, Issue #50
This post is linked to New Evangelists Monthly-February 2017, Issue #50
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I'm Tracy. I love my faith, family and on most days, homeschooling my 5 blessings. When I'm not busy baking cakes for my family or making memories in real life or dreaming I had a housekeeper or professional chef, I enjoy documenting a slice of Smith life in blog land.
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