About Me

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Hey Ya'll!  I'm Tracy!  I am a devout Catholic, homeschooling mom with a loving and supportive husband and 5 wonderful children. (aka: "Cupcakes")

My husband and I met in 1992 on the beautiful beach and on July 12, 1997 we entered the Sacrament of Marriage.  I was almost 22 and he was 27 on our wedding date.  God blessed our holy bond with 5 blessings in 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2013. (I hope to blog about each of my "Cupcakes" birth stories someday!)

I started this blog in June 2010 as a way to document all the cakes I have made for my Cupcakes.  My faith in Jesus and my family are what matters most in this world and they are the main inspiration for this sweet blog I have created to document my passions in life, my creativity, and my family's memories.

I am always striving to put my priorities in the right order and I hope I can inspire myself and others through this blog. I enjoy “meeting” others around the world through my blog and getting inspiration through others' blog posts, comments, and emails!

I am an Amazon Affiliate, which means that if you purchase any items from Amazon through my Amazon link HERE, I will receive a small percentage from your order at no cost to you!  So thank you for clicking around through my Amazon link and if you purchase anything via my link, I am most appreciative!

Please contact me if you want to chat, have a question, or want me to bake you a cake (for fun, not for money.  I'm too busy baking my own family's cakes and homeschooling. :) )

Thank you for stopping by! Sit back, relax, and enjoy a slice...of Smith life!

The "Smith Seven" when Cupcake #5 was born on July 30, 2013

The Smith Family on Thanksgiving Day 2013

The Smith Family in September 2014 for our blessed beach week!

The Smith Family in August 2015 for another blessed beach week

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Your blog is Christ centered inspirational! Thank you for sharing. God bless you and your family.

Thank you Claudia for your kinds words! May God be glorified through my calling as a Catholic homeschool mama :) Thanks for stopping in to visit! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy!
I found your terrific blog when I was searching for a pic of Jennifer F. :-) Amelia loaned me her copy of "Something Other Than God" and I am devouring it...
You are wonderful.
See u at church soon!
Amy Chesek

Hi Amy!

Thank you for your blog visit! So good to "see" you here in blog land :) I hope you enjoy Jennifer F.'s book! It's a good one! Hope to see you at church again soon! :) God bless!

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Hello!  Thank you for your Visit!
I'm Tracy. I love my faith, family and on most days, homeschooling my 5 blessings. When I'm not busy baking cakes for my family or making memories in real life or dreaming I had a housekeeper or professional chef, I enjoy documenting a slice of Smith life in blog land.

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