Sunday, March 25, 2012
"R" is for Rainbow and a Really Amazing Rebound!
This past week, I enjoyed recovering from the Half Marathon I ran last Sunday. I was just a little sore for a few days and I look forward to starting back to early morning runs again this week to stay in shape as much as possible.
Last week was busy as always and we did a fun "R" craft as my 4 year old continues with her Preschool Alphabet Boxes. I got this "R" craft idea HERE.
Below are pictures of the colorful craft:
Last week was busy as always and we did a fun "R" craft as my 4 year old continues with her Preschool Alphabet Boxes. I got this "R" craft idea HERE.
Below are pictures of the colorful craft:
I printed a "R" template from and we glued rainbow colored strips over the template. I told my girls the R.O.Y. G. B.I.V. trick to remember the colors of the rainbow in order.
Here are the strips covering the entire "R" template
I then turned the "R" template over on the white paper and cut out the shape. We then glued the rainbow "R" to black construction paper. My kids said they liked this craft the best since it was so colorful and easy!
Since we are in March Madness now with college hoops, I wanted to share this exciting video clip of a high school basketball game that a friend shared on Facebook. "R" is for rebound too and check out how this high schooler made one awesome rebound for a victory!
Labels:Alphabet Boxes,basketball | 8
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Alot to Celebrate... My First Half Marathon and St. Joseph!

What a began when my alarm went off at 4:00 AM as I got out of bed to get geared up for my First Half Marathon! I have been training since late December for the big race today. I've run several 5K races in the past (3.1 miles), but I always wanted to run a half marathon (13.1 miles).
The race began at 6:40 AM this morning and I achieved many personal goals: I ran the race in 2:13 without stopping, I crossed the finish line strong, and I did not have to use one of the port o potty bathrooms during the race! :)
I had a lot of fun and what a great sense of accomplishment I felt when I crossed the finish line! Here are some pictures that were taken by my husband as he and my family waited at the finish line for me:
Finish line in sight
Almost there!
Just a few more feet to Finish!
Me with the sister trio...I trained with my friend Jen on far left
My support team at the Finish (and during training). My family with my younger sister and mom...Thanks guys! I love you!
My younger sister and me
My #1 support, dear hubby...Thanks Anthony!...I know it's been tough sleeping in with the kids while I get up in the wee hours of the morning to run! :)
All that training, running, lack of sleep for a 13.1 sticker and a T-shirt! :)
After the race in the afternoon, our homeschool group celebrated our annual St. Joseph's Feast Day celebration. St. Joseph's Feast Day is on March 19, but we celebrated today so all the families and fathers could be with us. I blogged about our last year's St. Joseph celebration and all its beautiful and rich history HERE. Below are pictures from today's St. Joseph festivities! It was a blessed day and I was happy to enjoy the great company and food after the big race this morning!
We were blessed to have Fr. Alex grace us with his presence for the Litany of St. Joseph prayer and the blessing of all the delicious food
Lots of families, fun and fellowship!
Labels:race,St. Joseph | 16
Friday, March 16, 2012
Happy Birthday to Two Smith Boys!
42 years ago, not one, but two Smith boys were born! Happy Birthday to my husband (on right) and his twin brother (on left)! Both of you bring much joy, happiness, and laughter to our family and friends just like this picture!
Labels:happy birthday | 3
Monday, March 12, 2012
My Son's District Derby Race!
My son's car in on the far left lane getting ready to race in one of the many heats.
After 4 heats, his car was in the Top 15 and he ended up winning 2nd place against all other WEBELOS II scouts in the District! He was very excited and happy that he did better than last year's District race! It was a fun morning watching alot of fast cars!
Here I am with my youngest daughter and son. Grandpa and Nana came to cheer him on which made the day special.
Labels:race | 5
Friday, March 9, 2012
"Mm" is for Mountain and "Nn" is for Noodles
I posted recently about the Milk Art I did with my cupcakes in my post HERE. This art went along with the "Mm" activities I did to incorporate the Preschool Alphabet Boxes I have been doing with my 4 year old (and my 7 year old always likes to jump in on the fun too!)
Last week, we did another Mm activity that I got HERE. This time my daughter made a Mountain with snow capped peaks, trees, cotton ball clouds, and pictures that started with Mm. Here she is holding her mountain.
Then it was onto the letter "Nn"....I had a feeling, when I was in my college education courses dying TONS of pasta different colors, that I might happen to use the colorful pasta if God blessed me with children one day. Well, I'm happy to say my project from so long ago came in handy as my daughter glued the various shaped Noodles onto her letter "Nn". :) And I thought I didn't have time to do such projects when I was single in college? :) Now, I'm wondering if dying pasta would ever get done these days? :)
For more "Nn" activities go HERE and HERE!
Labels:Alphabet Boxes | 3
Friday, March 2, 2012
"Mm" is for Milk (Art)
How did my children make this awesome art?
The answer may surprise you! It is Color Changing Milk, a science experiment we did yesterday morning!
This was a super easy and fun experiment with milk, food coloring, and liquid dish soap! Since my 4 year old is doing "Mm" this week in her Alphabet Boxes, I thought this would be a fun activity to do with all my cupcakes! I got this idea from the Sun Scholars program that I purchased, downloaded, and printed.
We put milk into a shallow dish and put one drop of different colors of food coloring into the center:
Then each child touched their plate of milk with a clean cotton swab and watched what happened:
We then added a drop of liquid dish soap to the other end of the cotton swab and put it in the milk. These are some of our results...Beautiful Milk Art!
The Sun Scholars Program then had information about how this worked with a note that stated that the Milk Changing activity was found at Steve Spangler Science. My children were more into the colors than the actual science behind it, but it was such a fun, easy and fascinating activity! Go ahead, give it a try!
Labels:Alphabet Boxes | 10
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