Saturday, January 8, 2011
A Day in My Life....On Saturday
Lynda at my Heart's Desire is doing a new blog hop, A Day in Our Life. Please join her and link up a post about a day in your life!!!
Today started off early as all 6 of us had to be ready and out the door at 8:15 AM! Not a fun time to be out the door on a Saturday morning or any morning (since I homeschool it's an exception, not a rule to have to be anywhere before 9 AM on any given day.)
We dropped off our son at a neighbor's house since he had his first basketball game this morning at 11 AM. I had a friend come pick him up for his game from my neighbor's house since we were leaving at 8:15 to be at a local church across town and we didn't have time to get him to his game early.
Three times a year, my husband and I give a 30 minute presentation to about 25 engaged couples who are preparing to get married in the Catholic Church. These couples are from all walks of life and many of them are interfaith couples (one person is Catholic, while their fiance is from a non-Catholic background). My husband and I have been giving our presentation on Natural Family Planning (NFP) since 2001 to engaged couples, where we present what NFP is/is not, the Church's teaching on family planning, and then we tell them the many benefits of living the NFP lifestyle and how it has positively impacted our marriage. We have been certified teachers of NFP since 2003. This is a ministry that my husband and I have a heart for and we have been blessed with this knowledge and want to share it with all those that are open to hearing about NFP.
Then after we gave our presentation we headed back across town to meet up with our son at his game by 11 AM. I have to add that our oldest daughter was supposed to be at a Girl Scout Cookie Kick-off during our presentation, but she has been sick today with a fever, headache, fatigue so she reluctantly tagged along with us and even had to miss her first basketball game tonight because she wasn't feeling well. :( I felt bad that she had to be dragged to our presentation and then her brother's game, but this was our only option under the circumstances.
After our son's great first game (he played awesome defense against one of the best players on the other team), we headed over to my in-laws who live close by and had "Bambi Biscuits" (our family name for venison biscuits) for lunch. Yum!
When we got home I visited some blogs from the No Ordinary Blog Hop that I am co-hosting with Lynda and Anna-Marie. It's been so fun to "meet" other bloggers and read their great posts. One blogger that I visited was Steph and I read her post, Just what does 'sick' look like???. In this post, Steph spoke from her heart about the struggles she has with living with chronic pain. She posted beautiful pictures of herself on the blog and explained that although from the outside she looks healthy, she is battling many things when it comes to her health. I was deeply inspired by her post and really thought about how much I take for granted. Sure, I'm tired alot, but I do not have chronic pain as my cross so Steph inspired me to step back and count my blessings, no matter what. Steph's post reminded me of this saying that I think is profound:
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." Author Unknown
Her touching blog post also reminded me of a video titled the "Paradigm Shift" that I saw on one of my friend's Facebook pages. I will sign off this day in my life blog post with this You Tube video and with this quote from Steph's blog post:
Just because someone is smiling on the outside...
Doesn't mean they aren't dying, crying, hurting, etc...on the inside!!
Click button below to join Lynda, Anna-Marie and I for the No Ordinary Blog Hop for the entire month of January:) The blogger who posts the most will be spotlighted next month and be given a Star Blogger Award. Come join the FUN!!
Let's Start a Revolution
Labels:NFP,No Ordinary Blog Hop
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I'm Tracy. I love my faith, family and on most days, homeschooling my 5 blessings. When I'm not busy baking cakes for my family or making memories in real life or dreaming I had a housekeeper or professional chef, I enjoy documenting a slice of Smith life in blog land.
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Great quote Tracy isn't it. Something I alays try to remember, it is much like not judging a book like its' cover isn't it. Have a lovely day :-)
Great video I haven't seen it before. I also love the quote. Going to have to use it myself. Voted for you. Hope your daughter feel better
Love this video! . . . And good for you on presenting your NFP class. I think it's great when folks find thoughtful ways to share what they believe in. I'm sure many appreciate your taking the time to teach the class!
Wow, where do I start..of course I want to thank you for mentioning me and linking to my blog. Thank you.
I hope your daughter is feeling better today. Sorry she had to miss her first basketball game and the cookie kick-off. OH, how I LUV me some girl scout cookies ;P
Congrats to your son for doing so well at his game, sounds like you're going to have a couple of all-star athletes in your household.
And lastly, I love that you and your husband do the Natural Family Planning ministering, and that you enjoy it so much. Doing what you were called to do, now isn't that just a great feeling?? I also like that you husband does the interfaith marriage counseling to those who aren't Catholics...because well you already know, but let's face it...everyone is different, be it how they were brought up and raised, etc...but that doesn't mean that as they learn the word and the truth that they won't want to chance for the better...and even if they don't change their faith, at least they are willing to go to counseling so that they can learn to best get along with their spouse of another faith.
That's true love. That's what it's all about.
Have a wonderful day, and once again, I hope your daughter feels better soon if not already :)
HI Tracy,
I wanted to THANK YOU for leaving such a thoughtful comment on my daughter lapbook. She is my reluctant writer and this has really been a confidence booster for her, although I may have created a monster as she wants me to post on everything she has done this weekend:)LOL
Thanks for being such a great supporter and blog friend. Hope your daughter is feeling better and your NFP classes went well. I am afraid of public speaking so I admire you both for doing it:)
Great post! Hope your daughter is feeling better. Loved the video at the end, thanks for sharing and I am glad I took the time to watch it :) Have a blessed Sunday.
Hi Tracy! Thank you for linking this post to my blog hop. I came over last night to vote, but didn't have time to watch the video. It is really good, something we all need to remember.
I hope your daughter is feeling better, and that noone else in the family picks up the bug. You had a busy Saturday.
We spent Sunday morning in the hospital because of a missed Dr.s appt last week. When will I learn to push my mom to make it to these appts. She will be fine, but I can hardly wait for her insurance to approve home visits from her physician.
Have a wonderful week!
Wow, what a heart-wrenching video! And it's true. Everybody is struggling with something in this sin-cursed world. If we can only get outside of ourselves, we can deeply minister to someone.
Hi Kylie!
This is one of my most favorite quotes and sometimes so difficult to live by! Thanks for your visit and comment! I hope you had a great weekend!
Hi Anna-Marie!
I'm glad you liked the video! It definitely made an impression on me! So glad your daughter is enjoying all the positive feedback she is getting and I hope it motivates her even more to do her best like she has been doing! That's funny that she wants to now post on everything she has done! It sounds like my daughter :) Thanks always for your friendship and blog support! When I was much younger public speaking used to frighten me so badly that I would get sick to my stomach. So it has taken me alot of practice to stand up in front of lots of people to speak, although I still get a little nervous each time we present :)
Hi Renee Ann!
Glad you liked the video! It's a great one! Thank you for your encouraging words with our NFP ministry as it is a difficult and counter cultural topic to discuss with strangers and friends and family!
Thanks Steph for all your thoughtful and kind comments! Our daughter is feeling a little better and we are hoping no one else gets sick! My husband was brought up as a non-Catholic, me a Catholic so we got married as an interfaith couple, but we both agreed on NFP which was a huge blessing. My husband did become a Catholic 4 years ago, another huge blessing! It is so nice to share our faith to engaged couples by presenting such a personal topic! I hope you had a great weekend!
Thanks again for your visit and thoughtful comments!
Thanks Jen for your visit, comment and taking the time to watch the video! It left an impression on me for sure! Hope you had a blessed weekend!
Hi Lynda!
I'm glad you liked the video! I'm sorry to hear you had to spend your Sunday at the hospital :( That sounds like no fun! I hope your mom's appt. went well! I'm sure home visits will be a huge blessing and lift a tremendous burden off you! Hope you enjoyed the rest of your Sunday!
Amen Susan! :) Getting outside ourselves, ah something that I need to be constantly reminded about! Thanks for your visit and comment!
Hi Tracy,
Stopping by to say Hi Hope your Monday went well and everyone is healthy once again:) Voted for you
Hi Anna-Marie!
No homeschooling today since we had 4-5 inches of snow! My husband was home early from work and the kids and I played out in the snow! Thanks for your visit,comment and vote! :)
Love this post, you do have a busy day! I found you at Steph's blog!
ps Congrats with the Marriage class
Yes you never know what people are going through just by looking at them. What a neat ministry you guys have with engaged couples. Boy are they clueless! ;)
HI Kim!
Thanks for your visit and taking the time to comment :) Glad you stopped by! I just hopped over to your blog and left a comment! Your blog is inspirational and I'm glad we "met" in blog world! Stay warm!
Hi Esther!
Thanks for stopping by and posting your comment! Our ministry with the engaged couples is challenging, but rewarding at the same time! Have a blessed day!