Tuesday, November 22, 2016
November 22: Feast Day of Saint Cecilia
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Today, November 22, is the feast day of Saint Cecilia and my oldest daughter's Confirmation Saint.
St. Cecilia was born in Rome, Italy and lived around 100 A.D. It is said that she heard heavenly music whenever she prayed to God. She is the patron saint of composers, music, musicians, organ builders and singers. She was persecuted for her Christian beliefs and her story of great faith through her suffering is amazing! I found out today with a Google search that "Cecilia is one of the most popular of Roman saints. The year of her birth is unknown, but it is believed she died about 177 A.D. in Rome. Her body was discovered incorrupt in 1599, is known to be the first Saint to be incorrupt."
This was the first year we "celebrated" this feast day with a very simple sweet snack and we read a little about her life in our Saints for Young Readers for Every Day, Vol. 2, July-December and Saints and Angels books during our Couch Catechism prayer time.
I got the idea of the KitKat keyboard from Catholic Cuisine. I didn't know they had white KitKats until I saw the Catholic Cuisine post! I found my white KitKats at a gas station store (because the grocery store I went to didn't have them.)
In the morning, I set out the Saints and Angels book opened to the page about Saint Cecilia's life, a Saint Cecilia holy card and the Saint Cecilia peg doll. I received at the Saint peg doll exchange last year. My children were very excited to eat the sweet treats after lunch today!
Prayer to Saint Cecilia
glorious saint, who chose to die instead of denying your King, we pray
you please to help us as His fair praise we sing. We lift our hearts in
joyous song to honor Him this way. And while we sing, remembering, to
sing is to doubly pray.
At once in our hearts and in our tongues we offer double prayer sent heavenward on winged notes to praise God dwelling there. While in our hearts and tongues we try with song to praise God twice, we ask dear saint, to help us be united close to Christ! Amen.
At once in our hearts and in our tongues we offer double prayer sent heavenward on winged notes to praise God dwelling there. While in our hearts and tongues we try with song to praise God twice, we ask dear saint, to help us be united close to Christ! Amen.
If you would like to learn about other fun ways to celebrate Saint Cecilia's powerful Christian witness, be sure to read Easy Ways to Celebrate Saint Cecilia.
Saint Cecilia, pray for us!

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Sunday, November 20, 2016
Feast of Christ the King: Craft and Video
Today, Sunday, November 27, 2016 marks the final Sunday of the liturgical year with the Feast of Christ the King. This feast day was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 though Christians have celebrated Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords from the time Christ entered the world. Be sure to read Deacon Marty McIndoe's post Our Lord Jesus Christ-King of the Universe that elaborates on what this feast day is all about.
Last Sunday the newly formed Young Families Group at my parish met for the first time for a morning snack after Mass and did a craft that focused on the liturgical church calendar. In anticipation of today's feast day, we did a craft to teach the children that in adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance we worship Christ the King.
The family that organized the meeting had all the supplies prepared and so the children could put the pieces together for their monstrance. The supplies were:
* styrofoam block painted gold
* gold stick to place in the block
* gold cardstock that was cut to be the stand on the monstrance and glued to the gold stick
* gold doily
* host with an image of Jesus inside
* jewel stickers to decorate the monstrance
Here is the craft when it was completed:
Monstrances don't all look the same, but all of them are beautiful and unique and hold the sacred consecrated Host. Here is a photo of one:
Here are some photos I took as our two youngest children made their monstrance and my older children and friends helped the younger children.
Here is a great short 3 minute video titled Christ the King by Christopher Stefanick. It explains what it means that Jesus is King. "Jesus Christ is the King. Is He your King?"

Next Sunday, Nov. 27, 2016 is the beginning of the Advent season! We plan on doing several of our Advent traditions that I blogged about last year in my post Advent 2015 is here! A Roundup of Advent Tradtions to Prepare our Hearts and Home. I hope some of our Advent traditions will inspire you to prepare your hearts and home for the Christmas season. (Because the Christmas season actually starts at sundown on Christmas Eve, despite what our secular world tells us.)
Have a blessed week and Thanksgiving!

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Friday, November 18, 2016
Happy 9th Birthday to "Cupcake" #4!
On this day, November 19, 2007
You were and always will be our sweet blessing that was sent from Heaven
My! Oh! My! Look how big you have grown!
These past 9 years with you have been full of blessings and have flown!
3 older siblings couldn't come see you at the hospital when you were
born because your oldest sister had strep throat. I don't know if they
were more excited to meet you for the first time or if they were more
excited to see what "gift" you brought them. :)
You went from a little cutie pie...
To a big (sister) cutie pie in a blink of an eye!
It has been fun to watch you grow strong and grow to love gymnastics these past few years!
You are special everyday, especially on your "Name Day" since your middle name is Rose after Saint Rose of Lima.
We had a blast celebrating your 9th birthday with an Adventure Time theme with the fun pinata cake this past Saturday!
Happy Birthday sweet girl! We love you!
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Pinata Cake and Adventure Time Birthday Party
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Last weekend we celebrated my daughter's 9th birthday. (Her birthday is Nov. 19, but we had to celebrate early due to our family's schedule).
My daughter wanted an "Adventure Time" theme, but since I've never seen this cartoon that is on Cartoon Network, she helped out a lot in planning for the party! We don't have Cartoon Network at home, but she saw the show at a hotel.
My daughter found a Pinata cake on Pinterest and she said that was what she wanted for her cake. It was the first I've heard of this rather easy, but fun and festive cake. So I went for it and it was a smashing success!
I used an easy homemade funfetti cake recipe that I've used before for other birthday cakes. I found the delicious funfetti recipe HERE. (It tastes so much better than the box kind, but the box version would work and save time) I quadrupled the recipe because one recipe makes one 9 in. round pan cake.
After making the 4 round cakes, I cut holes out of the middle of 2 of them.
Then you stack the layers, putting the 2 layers with holes in them in the middle between the bottom and top layer. Fill your cake with your favorite treats before stacking on the top layer. I filled our pinata cake with colorful Sixlets candies and some mini M&Ms.
The birthday girl and one of her older sisters enjoyed icing the cake and decorating it. I found the "Adventure Time" cake decorations on Amazon.
My friend came to the party in a "Jake" costume which was a surprise for my daughter and me too! My daughter found her Jake shirt at a thrift store and she wore it as part of her Minion costume for Halloween.
For the party we played some relay games out in our backyard. My daughter loved the relay games we played last year for her "Messy 8th Birthday Party" that she wanted to play them again this year too!
The first game we played was the egg relay. The girls were split into 2 teams and each team raced with a raw egg on a plastic spoon. None of them broke this year!
The second relay game was the sponge game. The girls were in 2 teams again and each had a sponge with a bowl of water. They had to put the sponge in the water then race to the other end and squeeze the sponge into a container with a line drawn on it. Whichever team got to the line on their container first, won!
After the relay games my daughter requested a scavenger hunt so I wrote out about 10 clues and one of my older daughters hid the clues around our yard and neighbors' yards. The clues all rhymed and all the girls were tired from running so much. :) The final clue lead to the "treasure" which was a pinata that was hidden under our staircase in a secret hideout. So we then went outside to hit the pinata open.
My daughter was so excited to show her friends the surprise in the cake!
Everyone had fun watching the candies fall out of the cake after it was cut!
Each guest received a goodie bag filled with an plastic Emoji cup and marshmallows on a decorative paper straw. I used an edible ink marker to try to draw "Finn" on the marshmallows.
It was a fun party and many special memories were made. My daughter and friends loved all the activities and the best part was seeing the big smile on her face during the party and when she told me "Thanks Mom, that was fun, especially the scavenger hunt!"

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Thursday, November 10, 2016
All Saints' Day Celebration 2016
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I'm a little behind with posting our annual All Saints' Day celebration because life is full and staying up to 3 in the morning watching the election results this week doesn't exactly help with staying on top of anything, especially blogging. But, I'm slowly catching up on things so here's a recap of our November 1, Feast of All Saints, celebration...
Our family attended Mass in the morning then I hosted our annual All Saints Day party at my house for our homeschool group.
We had decorations like this banner that I made a few years ago from Jessica's blog at Shower of Roses.

I also hung up this banner in our kitchen that my friend T.D. made.
For a centerpiece on our kitchen table I set up all the Saint peg dolls that I received at the Saint peg doll exchange that I participated in along with the Shining Light Dolls we own.
The big and little kids had fun guessing the amount in each jar.
When everyone finished guessing we announced the winners, but then we divided the treats among the 15 children present and put the treats into individual bags so each child had a bag to take home with candy to remind them of several different Saints.
Here are the 18 themed Saint jars we used. The candies in the jar relate to the life of the Saint or what he/she is the Patron Saint of:
St. Peter: goldfish crackers
St. Kateri Tekakwitha: candy corn
Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Rolo caramel
St. Patrick of Ireland: gummy worms
St. Thomas Aquinas (known in his youth as "The Dumb Ox"): Dum-Dum lollipops
St. Lucy: chocolates wrapped in eyeball foil paper
Doctors of the Church: Smarties
St. Nicholas: peppermint candy
St. Bernadette of Lourdes: pretzel sticks (St. Bernadette was collecting sticks when Our Lady appeared to her)
St. Francis: animal crackers
Holy Trinity: 3 Musketeers
St. Adjuctor: Life-Savers (Patron of swimmers, boaters, and drowning victims)
Saints Mary and Martha: M&Ms
Virgin Mary, Untier of Knots: root beer flavored Twists
St. Gertrude of Nivelles: KitKats (Patron of cats and gardeners)
St. William of York: York patties (Patron of York, England)
St. Isidore: candy pumpkins (Patron of farmers)
St. Dominic: mini Milky Way bars (Patron of Astronomers)
Each family brought a snack to share. I provided some "pious popcorn" and "All Saints are 'grape'" :)
We had our annual "Communion of Saints Cupcakes"
And my friend, K.C., made this Rice-Krispies cross cake as a way to remember the Year of Mercy with the red/blue coloring for Jesus' Divine Mercy and Baby Jesus in the middle and a little Eucharistic Host in the center.
Some of the adults and kids played Saint Bingo that I printed and laminated from Jessica's blog at Shower of Roses.
My friend, T.D., brought other games to play, as well.
*Our Lady of Guadalupe Flower Toss
*The Brothers' Fishing Hole: St. Peter and St. Andrew, fishermen of fish and of men
*Knocking Down the 7 Deadly Sins bowling game: Envy, Pride, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed
The Corporal Works of Mercy and Spiritual Works of Mercy ring toss
At the beginning of our celebration, we prayed the Litany of the Saints and we also watched this wonderful video titled How Does the Catholic Church Declare Official Saints.
I forgot to also share this fun video called The Saint Song that I shared last year. I'll have to remember to play it at next year's All Saints Day party.
After we prayed and I played the Saint videos, each child dressed as a Saint stood up and told a little bit about their Saint's life and everyone had to guess who they were. Some were more obvious than others.
My 2 youngest children dressed up as St. Rafqa (a new to us and everyone Saint) and St. Elizabeth of Hungary.

Saint Rafqa
Here a few photos of the group:
It was a wonderful day to remember and give honor to all the Saints who truly are timeless role models for our families and children!
Have a blessed week!
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I'm Tracy. I love my faith, family and on most days, homeschooling my 5 blessings. When I'm not busy baking cakes for my family or making memories in real life or dreaming I had a housekeeper or professional chef, I enjoy documenting a slice of Smith life in blog land.
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