Friday, December 28, 2012
Animal Puzzle Cakes on Sale at Amazon!

You can get this Puzzle Cake Build-A-Cake Set for $4.98 (regular price $14.99) and if you are a Prime Amazon member, like we are, you can get free shipping. So for $5.00 I thought it was worth it to buy it and one day I'll have to see if it is any easier to make a cupcake cake with this Wilton set compared to the horse cupcake cake I recently made for my daughter's 5th birthday in November. Although, making the horse out of cupcakes wasn't too difficult. :)
If I ever make a cake using this set (I'm thinking it will be cute for our new baby's birthday one year), I'll be sure to blog about it :) | 0
Thursday, December 27, 2012
What are the 12 Days of Christmas? 2012 Edition
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
This picture was taken at the Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at my parents' church.
Although the calendar says December 27 and the Christmas carols are no longer playing on the radio and in stores, it is still Christmas! Christmas begins on Christmas Day and continues for 12 more days until the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6, when the Magi visit the Christ Child and bring Him gifts.
On our Christmas tree we have this beautiful ornament of a partridge in a pear tree that was given to my husband and me by an aunt who has since passed away. We treasure this gift from our loved one and it wasn't until I started researching about the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" that I realized that there is some controversy surrounding what the partridge in the pear tree symbolized, as well as the other items mentioned in the song.
Several years ago, I read that "The Twelve Days of Christmas" has religious symbolism and according to Father Edward Dowling in the article, "The Real Meaning of "The Twelve Days of Christmas", “The Twelve Days of Christmas” was written to educate the faithful in the doctrines of the faith and yet not be obvious to the persecutors. The numbers are simply a mnemonic to help Catholics remember some basic facts. Recall the words of the song. “On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: twelve lords a leaping, eleven pipers piping, ten ladies dancing, nine drummers drumming, eight maids a milking, seven swans a swimming, six geese a laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.”
Father Dowling's article then lists what each phrase of the song means as a way for Catholic Christians to remember the doctrines of the faith:
“My true love” refers to God, “me” is the individual Catholic.
The “twelve lords a leaping” are the twelve basic beliefs of the Catholic Church as outlined in the Apostles Creed.
The “eleven pipers piping” are the eleven Apostles who remained faithful after the treachery of Judas.
The “ten ladies dancing” are the Ten Commandments.
The “nine drummers drumming” are the nine choirs of angels which in those days of class distinction were thought important.
The “eight maids a milking” are the Eight Beatitudes.
The “seven swans a swimming” are the Seven Sacraments.
The “six geese a laying” are the Six Commandments of the Church or the six days of creation.
The “four calling birds” are the Four Gospels.
The “three French hens” are the Three Persons in God or the three gifts of the Wise Men.
The “two turtle doves” represent the two natures in Jesus: human and divine or the two Testaments, Old and New.
The “partridge” is the piece de resistance, Jesus himself, and the “pear tree” is the Cross.
wasn't until I did a search on the internet about "The Twelve Days of
Christmas" that I realized that the religious symbolism behind the song
is thought to be fiction. For example, Snopes
states that the song was NOT created as a "coded reference to important
articles of the Christian faith." Then Snopes goes into detail why
some claim this to be false. "The Twelve Days of Christmas", according
to many articles that I have read, might have been mixed up with another
song titled, "A New Dial" which dates to at least 1625 and assigns religious meanings to each day of the 12 days of Christmas.
After reading many articles about the real meaning of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song I'm not sure if the song has religious symbolism or not since it appears there is no sound proof for it to be true or false.
What do you think? Have you heard about the religious symbolism in "The Twelve Days of Christmas"? Were you aware of the differences of opinions in whether or not the song was created as a type of catechism during a time of persecution? I think this is a fascinating topic and would love to hear what others think about it.
There are many parodies that have come from "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song and I would like to conclude this post with 2 variations that you may have never heard, but I found them to be fun and entertaining.
The first video is titled "The Twelve Days of Homeschooling" which I found funny as a homeschool mom myself to my four children (with child #5 in the womb :) )
This second video is the group Straight No Chaser singing a creative and entertaining version called "12 Days of Christmas Medley".
On this second day of Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
I recently read Tiffany's plans that she did for all the 12 days of Christmas and it was all just so beautiful and impressive so I am linking to Tiffany's page, Catholic 12 Days of Christmas, over at Family At The Foot Of The Cross for my own future reference and to share the lovely ideas that Tiffany has done with her family during this holy season! Maybe one year I will be able to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas as beautifully as she did! Thanks Tiffany!
Labels:Christmas | 1 comments
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