
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A Double Digit Birthday Tribute to our Daughter and a Slime Party!!


Dear Blog, 

I miss updating you, but I'm really enjoying my new job (that is bringing in some money for my family! :) ) so my blogging days are few and far between. It's so much easier and faster to update my A Slice of Smith Life Facebook page and Instagram page, so I hope my readers will be interested in  following me on social media for quick updates on a slice of Smith life.  I'll write a post all about my new job sometime soon so stay tuned!   Until then, I've been meaning to write a post about my daughter's 10th birthday on November 19th and her slime birthday party.  So here it is and I hope to write another post soon!  

A Double Digit Birthday Tribute to our Daughter and a Slime Party!! 

On November 19, 2007
You were and always will be our sweet blessing that was sent from Heaven
My! Oh! My! Look how big you have grown!
These past 10 years with you have been full of blessings and have flown!
Your 3 older siblings couldn't come see you at the hospital when you were born because your oldest sister had strep throat.  I don't know if they were more excited to meet you for the first time or if they were more excited to see what "gift" you brought them.  :) 
You went from a little cutie pie...

To a big (sister) cutie pie in a blink of an eye!

It has been fun to watch you grow strong and grow to love gymnastics these past several years!

You are special everyday, especially on your "Name Day" since your middle name is Rose after Saint Rose of Lima

You bring much joy to our lives and all those you meet! 

For your 10th birthday, you wanted a slime birthday party because you are quite obsessed with making all sorts of slime!  So everyone had fun going on a slime scavenger hunt that one of your older sisters created clues for to find the ingredients for the slime, then we made slime and ate "slime" cupcakes at your party!  I think everyone had fun!

You bring so much joy, laughter (and energy) to our family and your Dad and I are blessed to be your parents!  It is our prayer that you will always continue to fall in love with Jesus Christ with your whole heart, soul and mind and grow closer to Him and our Blessed Mother!

Happy 10th Birthday sweet girl!  We love you!


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