
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Happy 8th Birthday to our Cupcake #4!

On this day, November 19, 2007
You were and always will be our sweet blessing that was sent from Heaven
My Oh My look how big you have grown!
These past 8 years with you have been full of blessings and have flown! 

Your 3 older siblings couldn't come see you at the hospital when you were born because your oldest sister had strep throat.  I don't know if they were more excited to meet you for the first time or if they were more excited to see what "gift" you brought them.  :) 

You went from a little cutie pie...

To a big (sister) cutie pie in a blink of an eye!

We had a blast celebrating your 8th birthday with your "Messy" party this past Sunday and then on Monday, November 16, you finally got your ears pierced!  Your sisters and a few friends came to watch this exciting event!  You were a bit nervous and you said it hurt, but you did great!

I love this photo that Mrs. K. took of you as I was taking a photo of you with your newly pierced ears :)

You bring so much joy, laughter (and energy) to our family and your Daddy and I are blessed to be your parents!  It has been so much fun watching you fall in love with gymnastics and it is our prayer always that you will continue to fall in love with Jesus Christ with your whole heart, soul and mind and grow closer to Him and our Blessed Mother!

Happy Birthday sweet girl!  We love you!



  1. Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter!
    We have birthday twins!
    My Flynn is six today!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Aw what great pics Tra!! Absolutely loved this!

    Happy birthday to your sweetheart!! Congrats to her on her pierced ears too!

